This is just the structure of the program: for the content of each workshop
Friday night
19:00h - Welcome home!
20:30h - Dinner
22:30h - Bal with DOS (ES)
9:00h - Breakfast
10:00h - Warm-up and Movement Catarina Ascensao (PT)
11:00 - 12:30h - Dance workshop 1 (to choose from 3 options)
12:45 - 13:45: Balfolk Challenges Lucas Thebaut (FR)
14:00h - Lunchtime
16:00 - 17:30h - Dance Workshop 2 (to choose from 3 options)
17:30h - Snack
18:00 - 19:30h - Dance Workshop 3 (to choose from 3 options)
20:30h - Dinnertime
22:00h - Bal with Ballsy Swing (FR)
9:00h - Breakfast
10:00h - Warm-up and Movement - Catarina Ascensao (PT)
11:00 - 12:30h - Dance workshop 4 (to choose from 3 options)
12:30 - 15:00h - Practice / Bal / Jam
15:00h - Lunchtime and goodbyeo

1 - Polska without the turn (Rom, UK)
1 - Waltz in the flow (Mara, DE)
1 - Find your own style (Folqué?, ES)
3 - Embrazing fluidity (Lizéa, FR)
3 - A playground for movement and impro (Natalia, PL)
3 - Saut Bernais (Daniel Detammaker, FR)
Surprise workshops! (3 options)
4 - Dancing body, dynamic (Aurora, IT)
4 - Authentic movement (Aljosha, NL)
4 - Conservation of momentum (Leo, NL)
Surprise!: This spot will be filled during the residency, it will be something that we develop there, and, trust us, it will be amazing.
* You can choose one of the workshops in each block, assistance will be confirmed in order of registration. Registering for a workshop does not guarantee your place, you will receive an email confirming availability before formalizing the payment.
*All the workshops will be in English AND Spanish


Catarina Ascensão
Today, she lives her life as a mother, a dancer, a teacher, an event organiser, a doula and a space holder.
Graduated in Contemporary Dance and Choreography, during 10 years she was a resident teacher, dancer and choreographer in several schools and theatre/dance companies. Along with her artistic path, she develops a parallel path through holistic healing, focused on the merging of the movement with subtle touch.
She discovered folk dance and music as a teenager and has been one of her immersion worlds until today.
She co-created Resitrad - Dionysos à Ciel Ouvert, collaborated with several teachers and musicians, participated and teached in several events in Europe and Asia.
The body, its expression and the relationship between beings, are her main focus of research. She feels at her place when holding the space for others to dance and create. She deeply believes in a natural balance of things. She loves to laugh while dancing and to observe the music of people moving together.
Lucas Thébaut
is a diatonic accordeon player and dance teacher from Poitou (France). He started music and dance in his early twenties and hasn't stopped yet experimenting to improve phrasing and groove over various repertoires in search of what in dance and music movement will make the specificity, the essence of each dance.
All these elements brought together in a unique, musical universe.
After 20 years of thinking and tinkering, of sharing experiences and joy all over the world, still the path ahead lies anew, full of possibilities - and the journey continues. Rest assured that he will never miss an opportunity to share a tune, a dance ... or a drink with you.
Francesco and María
are balfolk teachers and producers. Located in Madrid, they organise loads of events, workshops and stuff.
Among other events they organise the Bailando Entre Montañas festival, the Neo-Trad: folk, feminism and dance, and several concerts in the Madrid area.
As folk dancers and teachers, they’ve specialised in couple dances, studying their most intimate features and exploring the possibilities from fusions with other dances. Their approach, based on creativity, active listening and roles switching, has been recognised in these years with workshops in many balfolk festivals in all Europe (they still miss some country, though).
They’ve also participated as teachers in other balfolk residencies such as Folktemporary, Resitrad or Sustainabal and they wish to bring the spirit of these encounters into this new gathering.