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Fénix Festival


It is open to anyone (maximum 40 participants) willing to enjoy this wonderful experience and learn a lot. It will be included in the participation fee of the residency. If you are interested only in the festival, more info here (in Spanish): ...

The Fénix Festival will be in two languages, English and Spanish, with translators during the workshops.


The residency


The residency is open to a total of 30 people, it will be entirely in English and you can come with two forms of participation:


- Kamikazes/participants: dancers that, in this edition, will not teach a workshop. If you are looking for a full week of learning and dancing, if you are involved in the promotion of your balfolk community: this is the place for you! You will be asked to have fun, accept the challenges, participate with enthusiasm, dance and dance and dance more. As a participant you will also have the possibility (not the obligation!) to propose topics, teach stuff, prepare a collaborative workshop for the Fénix Festival. You'll be able to involve yourself as much as you wish :)

Applications here:


- Residents/teachers: already with some teaching experience, will be asked to submit a workshop proposal. It can be a dance workshop with some super nice exercises you want to share and try, it could be your experience in balfolk promotion. Please, send us your proposals and we will evaluate them. This year the balfolk promotion proposals have to be related to the theme: inclusivity.

Please, submit your proposals here:

More info on "How to make a proposal" at the bottom of this page.


Admission fees:


Residents: from 250€. That is the minimum we ask to cover your food and accommodation costs for 8 days and nights (Cenizas Residency + Fenix Festival). Anything more you can give will make this event more sustainable.


Kamikazes: we thought about a flexible scheme to allow everyone to come. Please choose based on your situation, knowing that no one is profiting from the residence. Please, also consider that filling all the slots with the reduced  fee we wouldn't cover the costs.

Reduced fee: 390€ (only 4 spots)

Standard fee: 450€

Generous fee: 520€


The fee includes sleeping in a 4 people bedroom. Double and single rooms are available for an extra fee (but not if you paid a Reduced fee):

10€ per person/night for the double room.

15€ per person/night for the single room.


The fee includes the participation to all activities (including the Fenix Festival, which is worth 150€ alone), food and accommodation. If you can, we encourage you to pay for the  the Generous fee and be glad about it. If even the reduced fee is too much, we can consider a reduction in exchange of: volunteering, social management, video and pics… Please, don’t be ashamed to ask for a reduction: believe us when we say that we understand what is a precarious living.


"I don't understand: if I am giving a workshop, why should I pay?"

That's a common approach, that comes from a misconception: Cenizas is not a festival with many participants and a standard business model. It is a training, peer to peer based, where everyone gives and everyone receives. You are giving one or two workshops, and they are worth money: there is no doubt about that. But you are also receiving another 30 workshops from talented and experienced teachers, who are also worth it. Cenizas is a place to come and learn, rather than come and teach. So, if that's not for you, no hard feelings at all and we will cross paths in some festival.


We also highly encourage you to look for other sources to fund your participation: there are travel or training scholarships and other tools at a local, national and European level that can help you pay your journey. If you need anything from us to apply for funding, just ask: we will be happy to help!


As for Folqué?, we are not getting rich with this training. The breaking even point is set pretty high and we cannot count on any public funding at the moment. In case we get some, we'll make sure to redistribute it by improving the conditions, help with the transport, booking some concert to party even harder... We'll see. The point is we believe in transparency and that these sort of things are worth telling.



Slots for residents (10) are simply not enough, we know. Please, acknowledge that this is NOT some hierarchic stuff: there will be people among the kamikazes whose dance is just incredible, everyone will learn a lot. We will only consider the quality and the interest of the proposal.


Proposals will receive an evaluation for their features, and a further overall evaluation will be done to ensure a good fit among all of them, coherency and an overall artistic content.


Selection criteria:


- Interest of the proposal (explain clearly your topic, what do you wish to achieve, did you try this workshop somewhere else?) (30%)

- Methodology used (please, describe briefly which exercises or dynamics are you planning) (40%)

- Background of the teacher (30%)


After the first row of selection, some other criteria that depend on the rest of the proposals will be applied for the final selection.


- Originality (the topic is not addressed by more than one resident)

- Geographical balance: we wish for a good representation of the overall European system

- Gender balance: we will do our best to keep it balanced

- Minorities inclusion.

So, bear in mind that a rejection may come not from the overall quality of your proposal, but from the artistic fit with the rest.


DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: April the 22nd. We may accept ideas after that date, but remember that last year we had more than the double of requests than the number of slots during the first row, so better be fast about it. 


Feel free to share your idea, feel free to ask for feedback before submitting. Please, consider that the deadline is the same for everyone, so don't wait too much to send it, especially if  you wish for some feedback about it.


Dance Exploration: it can be the teaching of a dance from its basics, it can be the deepening of some features, it can be the struggle you have seeing the general vibe of a certain dance is not right in the dancefloor and you wish to change it, it can be a very crazy idea you have.  Dance Exploration proposals are meant to be very focused and advanced, please be clear with the topic, the aim and the methodology you wish to share. Last but not least: this session need to be very physical. After this session, there will be a LAB where we will explore together and a moment for feedback.


Balfolk Promotion: there will be three session dedicated to balfolk promotion. These sessions are meant to help other balfolk organisers to create more sustainable and inclusive events. This year we wish to produce some tools to improve inclusiveness of balfolk events. However, you are free to suggest any other topic that is important to you, something you see it is usually missing in balfolk events and some solution or good practices you wish to share. Please, bear in mind that these sessions will be more about talking than moving, so group work and horizontal approaches are more than welcome.


If you have any doubt, write us: there are no stupid questions and we know that we are often less clear than we think.

​Send it to

For proposals, again, here is the link:



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Camino de los Campamentos, 1, 28470 Cercedilla, Madrid


Any question?

Call us:

María: +34 652 483 969

Francesco: +34 617 123 144

Thanks for submitting!

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